© 2024 Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners S.à r.l.

.Real Estate

Blo­cHome Token

Equi­ty €4,000,000
Type of Investment Equi­ty Share
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Min. Invest­ment Amount €1,000
Max. Invest­ment Amount €2,000,000
Start of Offering 23 July 2024
Term no fixed hold­ing period
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For Investors from*

fija USDC GMX Strategy

Bond €8,000,000
Type of Investment Bear­er Bond
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Min. Invest­ment Amount N/A
Max. Invest­ment Amount N/A
Start of Offering 1 June 2024
Term any­time-can­ce­lable
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For Investors from*

Whisky Cask Fund

Equi­ty €20,000,000
Type of Investment Lim­it­ed Partnership
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Min. Invest­ment Amount €10,000
Max. Invest­ment Amount €4,000,000
Start of Offering 9 Octo­ber 2023
Term 6+1 years
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For Investors from*

Project GMDC

Equi­ty $48,000,000
Type of Investment Equi­ty Participation
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Min. Invest­ment Amount TBA
Max. Invest­ment Amount N/A
Start of Offering 1 Feb­ru­ary 2024
Term TBA
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For Investors from*

UPCOMING: Real Estate Fund

Equi­ty $100,000,000
Type of Investment Lim­it­ed Partnership
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Min. Invest­ment Amount $100,000
Max. Invest­ment Amount N/A
Start of Offering TBA
End of Offering Ever­green
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For Investors from*

* Cer­tain Euro­pean juris­dic­tions might be exclud­ed, depend­ing on the respec­tive Token Offer­ing. Pro­fes­sion­al investors from oth­er juris­dic­tions than stat­ed above may con­tact us direct­ly under invest@blackmanta.capital